Cue the 'que

Now, what kind of KC girl would I be if I didn't weigh in with some thoughts about barbecue? Barbeque? BBQ? No matter how you spell it, if you live here, you'd better have an opinion on it. The amount of time between Jon finding out he was being transferred to Kansas City and the day the moving truck showed up was about 3 weeks. During that time of telling our fellow Coloradans we were moving to Kansas City, the response almost certainly was, "well, I hear they have good BBQ there." We must have heard this upwards of 30 times in those 3 weeks. We heard this so much that one day I overheard my 4 year old son say to my neighbor, "yeah, I hear they have good BBQ there." Within 48 hours though, we began to make the rounds. Our first stop was Arthur Bryants, where I first began to embarrass my family with professing my love for sausage. (I have been known in the past 7 years to say things like, "that's some good-looking sausage," "I LOVE sa...