
Showing posts from December, 2018

A Love Letter

Through many of the most important times of my life, one name stands out above all... a name I knew I could always count on... the great love of my life... Benny. Or actually, it's called Benny's. Benny's Restaurant & Tequila Bar to be specific. (Don't worry, Jon knows.) I'm not sure words can describe my love for this place, but let's give it a whirl, shall we?!? Benny's was there during some of the most impactful moments and times in my life. After moving to Denver, Benny's was the first place that I researched, sought out and brought friends to on my own, instead of being along for the ride to places others were choosing. Jon and I had our first date there. Benny's was the backdrop of many nights during the time we were falling in love. Benny's is where we were when we decided we would officially be an "us." We went there for our anniversary every year we lived in Denver. We conceived our child after a night out at Benny...