Just another frantic Friday
Perhaps it was because I went straight from work to my son's basketball game. Perhaps it was because the basketball game ended a little too late to be going home and cooking. Or perhaps we just didn't plan ahead well enough. No matter the reason, we once again find ourselves with a desire to eat out on a Friday night. Have we learned nothing? No, we did learn something, I promise. Instead of heading to a busy sit-down restaurant, we decided to go Fast Casual. In case you don't have the joy of living with a full-on restaurant nerd and aren't sure exactly what Fast Casual is- it's all those restaurants where you walk in and have to immediately turn left and walk around the outskirts of the restaurant (menu along the way somewhere, either on the wall or in a little cubby, or both) and arrive at a counter where you either order or progressively build your meal buffet style, except you're not aloud to touch the food. Ok, I jest- you don't always turn left and w...