The time has come

For a long time, I have been trying to convince Jon that we should write a blog. Mostly the conversation has always ended up with no. Why? There are so many blogs out there. Who in the world would care what we have to say. Well. Tonight I have finally been pushed to Yes. We're doing this. I don't care if no one ends up reading this- we are doing this. Because if nothing else, it will be cathartic to say the things we have to say and fling them out into Internet World, instead of keeping it to ourselves.

Jon and I (mostly Jon) have worked and lived in the world of restaurants for many years. We have seen it, done it, experienced it all. Or so it feels. Jon's last job required him to frequently scope out the competition, and that's really where the fun began. We would pop into restaurants and bars at least once, and sometimes several times, a week. We scrutinized atmosphere, employees, food, happy hour specials, bathrooms, all of it. With more than half his life now spent in restaurants, Jon has all the real knowledge, and I'm just along for the tasty ride.

The joy ride began shortly after moving to the Kansas City area when Jon was promoted. I realized we were making the rounds pretty good when people would ask us if we had tried this and that local spot and many times the answer was yes. It wasn't long until people were asking us where to go and what our favorite spots were. I quickly realized that we had quite a few. It was so fun to be in a new place and already know so much. I started to feel like I was actually being helpful when I would recommend a spot and then hear back from people about how much fun they had. This was about the time I started bugging Jon about this blog thing. I thought- wouldn't it be great if you could get real, friend-like recommendations about spots to go or at least get some details about a place before you headed out? Be prepared a little? From real people, telling you the real deal.

So, here we are. Pretty settled in now and ready to spill. The good, the bad and the ugly, toilet-paper-less stalls reality of it.

Which brings us to Booth 13. Stay tuned...


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