That sweet siren smell...

A couple years ago I found out that I have GERD. GERD is a fancy name for heartburn. Actually it's also a lot more than that, but this isn't a medical blog, it's about food, and today it's about a drink. My most favorite drink of all. No, I don't mean beer. Wait, do I!?! I do love beer, but an equal part of my heart belongs to coffee. And today- we're talking joe! It's the most popular consumed beverage in the world, aside from water. Ok, that's a lie, but that's what coffee lovers would have you think and I'll bet you wouldn't be surprised if I told you that that was true. Because coffee isn't just a drink. It's a way of life for many.

(BTW- in case you're wondering. It's tea. Tea is the most popular drink in the world, aside from water, which has no equal.) 

So why did I tell you that weird fact about having GERD? Because when I found that out, the number one thing I was told to cut out, aside from carbonated drinks, was coffee. Noooooooo!!!! Devastating. I was reminded of the dinner scene in Notting Hill when they are battling it out for the last brownie and Bella says, "and to add insult to serious injury, I've totally given up smoking, my favorite thing" (the 1:10 mark). Coffee is my favorite thing. I didn't want to give it up. And well, to be honest, I haven't. But I have cut back dramatically. My goal (some weeks are harder than others) is to just drink coffee on Fridays. So, needless to say, Friday is my FAVorite day of the week.

After dropping the kiddo off at school, most Fridays find me in the drive-thru at Dunkin'. If you know anything about this girl, you know this girl runs on Dunkin'. However- I am an equal opportunity caffeinator and I like to try other coffee spots too. Well, spots that aren't Starbucks. Oh, calm down all you Starbucks lovers! They're doing just fine and won't be hurt by my one little comment here. The point of skipping out on my Dunkin' is to go try fun, local, or unique little coffee shops and see what they have going on, not to go check out the one chain that is definitely selling more coffee than Dunkin' Donuts.
T-shirt from my boys for Christmas a few years back

So, a couple Fridays ago found me at 2 different coffee shops, on completely different sides of town and I'd definitely recommend both.

The first is a new coffee shop in Martin City, aptly named Martin City Coffee! As my friend Jenna and I walked in, my first thought was... cute, modern, cool. My second thought was, does that menu say tostones? What are tostones doing at a coffee shop? I still don't really know, but I had them and they were SO good! Don't worry, they had plenty of those delicious looking pastries that you're used to munching on while sipping your joe, but they also had burritos and Cuban sandwiches, and did I mention the tostones? One of these days I will get to the bottom of this tostones thing, but in the meantime, just sip, munch and enjoy. I like when people are doing something different. I also really liked that they served us our coffee in a regular old mug. I appreciate that. When you plan to stay in the coffee shop and hang out, there is no reason to waste a paper cup.

So what does one do when leaving a coffee shop all properly caffeinated and leftover tostones in hand? Well, get into the car and drive 30 minutes across town to another coffee shop, duh!

So my second indulgence of the day brings me to Cause Coffee in DeSoto. Cause Coffee is exactly that- coffee with a cause! They are a non-profit coffee shop. Everyone there is a volunteer, but with some mad coffee-brewing skills. Everything used there is ethically sourced, organic, earth-friendly, fair-trade, there are no GMOs and it's a peanut-free facility. I mean, seriously!?! They are doing everything right! They even use metal straws! But, what is the place like? I mean, what is this do-good, volunteer-run shop like when you go in there? Is it a hot mess? NOPE!!! This place COULD NOT BE more charming! Oh my goodness! The atmosphere is so cozy and just absolutely delightful! Right down to the last detail, it is so wonderfully designed. It's like Joanna Gaines designed this place you guys. Please, please just go to their website and read all about it. They explain it all so much better than I do and it's worth the read. Then - get in your car and drive there. It's worth it in so many ways. The coffee was delicious and I had this huge biscuit thing that came with like a cinnamon honey butter deal. Mmm. Me likey. This is not my picture, but my order pretty much looked exactly like this photo from their website:

...except that my coffee had cream in it and I think this is a different selection of butter than what I chose. There was even a cute little plant on my table, but it looked a little different than this. Look, I'm trying to paint the picture here for you guys and this photo is the best I can do... because I forgot to photograph anything when I was there! I was so enchanted by everything around me and dove right into that biscuit and then I left and was Epic blog fail. Guess you'll just have to go see it for yourself!

Ok, that's it for me and coffee. At least until tomorrow morning. (Shhh, tomorrow's not Friday, don't tell my doctor!)

Want to indulge in some laughs about coffee? Check out my Pintrest coffee board obsession here:


  1. I loved this post! Where can I go to see future posts?

  2. Hi Geralynn - Thanks so much! If you visit my profile through the Booth 13 menu in the upper left, you should be able to follow me from there. You can also find me on Facebook (Jeanine Passaro Davis) and on Instagram @ j9pdavis. Thanks for your comment, it really means a lot to me when people take the time read and comment!


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